•  Phorm
Another formation, of the last perturbed farm,
... dedicated to the phobias of the scarecrow.
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Photo Notes
Just one year ago, our last garden.
Further Details
Date added: Sep 17th 06, 07:33
Date taken: Fri, Nov 4th o 05
Photo ID: 499
Category: Nature
Story: Default Story
Photo Statistics
Hits: 4947
Last Visit: 8 hours ago
Rated 4.5 by 2 persons
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[ Reply ]  خشايار [ W | @ ] on Oct 7th of 06 at 23:54 said:
Ashegham !
[ Reply ]  آفرین [ @ ] on Oct 13th of 06 at 10:03 said:
khashki in mardom! danehaye deleshan peyda bood.
[ Reply ]  mahboobeh ghadirian [ W | @ ] on May 29th of 09 at 13:20 said:
كاش اين مردم دانه هاي دلشان پيدا بود...
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